Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A Brilliant PR Stunt?

April Fool's Day, which is celebrated on April 1, gives people a reason to play practical jokes on one another. I began the day completely oblivious to what it was... it was just any other day for me. That was until my mother made a fool of me when I believed her story about a two-headed bird.

While I was looking at news stories, I noticed one that said Pizza Hut had changed its name to Pasta Hut to welcome their new, amazing line of pastas. I thought to myself, "Why in the world would Pizza Hut do that? Everyone knows it is famous for its pizza." I, as a Pizza Hut fan (I prefer it over other brands), was kind of upset over the 'name change.' It just didn't fit for me.

I googled news stories on it and then found the answer I had been looking for. The article "Pizza Hut Renaming Itself Pasta Hut for April Fool's" came up. I was immediately intrigued. If this is the case, the PR department at Pizza Hut should be patting themselves on the back. This supposed name change of one of the largest pizza chains made me research it on the Web and made me visit their site.

The website looks the same except the 'old' Pizza Hut logo now reads Pasta Hut and the welcome screen has images and information about Pizza Hut's (Pasta Hut's) new line of Tuscan pastas.

In my opinion, this was a brilliant PR stunt. If other individuals were just as curious as I was, Pizza Hut could definitely celebrate a great launch of a new product. They scored news articles, blogger interest and the curiosity of customers. Over the next few days, I am curious to see what other articles and news stories appear on the new 'Pasta Hut' and if the name change is permanent.

Check out...

Pizza Hut(R) Remakes Itself As 'Pasta Hut' With Introduction Of New Tuscani Pastas

Pizza Hut(R) Participates in April First Foolery

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