Sunday, February 17, 2008

Your information- for everyone to see.

I was just reading articles about Facebook and its attempt to make it easier for users to completely close their accounts, instead of just deactivating them. After much criticism, they are now allowing users to close accounts and not keep personal information stored on the server. I, for some reason, find this hard to believe. Your personal information is never fully erased from the internet and which is why, with tools such as Facebook and MySpace you are strongly encouraged to be mindful when creating your profiles. Computers should now come with a label saying: "Users beware- nothing you do is really private."

I use the computer for everything from online banking to social networking and it disturbs me to think how readily available our information is to anyone. Some tech-savvy person could come along and find out everything about me. Even though this is a FACT, I still continue to use the computer every single day. It's hard for me to think of what a day would be like without it. Sad I know.

This is simply a random thought of mine. It is scary to me to think about how much you can find out about a person by the simple click of a button. Any thoughts?

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